Heather Daoust comes from a long line of farmers and could not find herself leaving the farm after graduation. She completed a diploma in Business Admin from Lakeland College and ventured out to start a few of her own businesses including an Equine Chiropractic Therapy business, a thriving horse training program, Shift Organics - an Organic Farm Management system and Schmitt Organics- a farm to fork beef program. Heather wanted to branch off of the family organic farm in some way, so she got to work calving her own cows. After shipping her calves down the alley at the auction market, she felt like just a number in cattle production. There had to be a better way to market the prestigious beef her family had to offer. She got to work building a website and a finishing program with her dad. Now they grow and finish everything using organic resources from the family organic farm. Some will finish out on organic grains and others will go to grass in the spring of their yearling year to finish without grain. Overall, it is a gratifying business to direct-market to the people that are looking for the clean beef that comes from her family farm. Expansion is on the horizon and Heather encourages organic farmers to certify their calves as she promotes the organic beef industry.
10:15 am - 11:15 am
Breakout Room 4- Hall A