10:45 am - 11:45 am
To export their organic produce, Canadian operators must comply with the practices and permitted substances described in the clauses of the Canadian Organic Standards. Every five years, all clauses of the Organic Standards are reviewed to clarify and modernize them. This revision exercise, launched in the summer of 2023, is currently underway: numerous requests for modifications have been submitted, and working groups are analyzing these requests before they are put to the vote of the members of the Technical Committee on Organic Agriculture.
Nicole Boudreau and Allison Squires, who are involved in the revision process, would like to consult you: they will present the major changes proposed to the organic standards, and ask for your opinion, since the standards influence your work as a certified organic operator. Come all to this presentation: you'll be invited to submit your vote for each change request presented! Your vote will be submitted to the working groups analyzing the proposed changes to the standards!
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