Cathy Holtslander has been a member of the Organic Agriculture Protection Committee (OAPF) since 2002. The Saskatchewan Organic Directorate (SOD) set up the OAPF Committee to lead a class action lawsuit against Monsanto and Aventis (now Bayer) seeking to stop Monsanto from selling Round-up Ready Wheat, and to require the companies to assume liability for GM canola contamination of certified organic crops, fields and farms. The legal action ended in 2007, however, the Committee is still active. Cathy also works for the National Farmers Union as Director of Research and Policy. Prior to joining the NFU staff she was the Coordinator of the Saskatchewan Eco Network, co-published Synergy Magazine, and was a founder of, and worked for the Beyond Factory Farming Coalition. Her Master’s degree focussed on social movement adult education and the history of women’s leadership in the farm movement in Saskatchewan. She and her partner operate a certified organic grain farm near Mont Nebo, SK.
10:15 am - 11:15 am
Breakout Room 2- Hall A